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Caring Committee

A quote from the Pirke Avot states, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me; and if I am for myself alone, then what am I? And if not now, when?” 


At Beth Am, we are committed to helping each other as we go through difficult times. The Caring Committee, chaired by Sue Ellen Corning, takes the lead in this. The committee helps with such things as preparation for shivas, meal preparation for individuals who are unable to do so for short periods of time, and reaching out to check on people who live alone and wish to have contact. We recognize that many of our members do not have extended family in the area, and with our limited resources, we are happy to help members in need for short stretches. Both the Sisterhood and the Men’s Club also assist with this.


We are always in need of volunteers to help with these important functions.

Please email Sue Ellen Corning, or our committee co-chair, if you are interested in helping.


Congregation Beth Am is dedicated to perpetuating and enhancing the Jewish religion. We foster and teach the ethical principles and moral values of our tradition and of our people.  Beth Am provides opportunities for Reform Jewish worship, education, service and fellowship.

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